Carpal Hyperextension

Updated on
October 18, 2022

One of the most common injuries when a pet owner or veterinarian considers using a carpal orthosis (dog wrist brace) is for a condition known as Carpal Hyperextension. The canine carpus is composed of three joints. Palmer fibrocartilage and ligaments support these individual joint levels. Fibrocartilage and ligaments support the palmar (backside) of the carpus while additional ligaments are located on the sides and dorsal (front side) of the carpus support those respective surfaces.

Any of these supportive structures can be affected by congenital deformities, trauma, degenerative disease processes and immune mediated conditions. Most commonly, patients are presented to OrthoPets for acute trauma to the palmar fibrocartilage (located on the back side) of the carpus causing the carpus (wrist) to collapse/drop into a hyperextended position.

Typically, carpal injuries such as canine carpal hyperextension, are diagnosed using a combination of physical exam and diagnostic imaging. During examination, your veterinarian will be looking for soft tissue swelling, pain or discomfort, abnormal range of motion and instability when the joints are stressed. Radiographs and other imaging techniques can be helpful in determining the severity and level of instability.

Depending on the severity of your dog’s carpal injury, an OrthoPets Carpal Orthosis (wrist brace) may be a beneficial addition to your treatment plan. Our dog wrist brace solutions can be built as a non-surgical, post-operative alternative to traditional casts, or as an advanced sports brace solution.

To learn more about our dog wrist brace, take a look at our Carpal Orthosis page to view patients enjoying life with their dog wrist brace. Talk to your veterinarian about an OrthoPets Carpal Orthosis. OrthoPets has US Partner Clinics and worldwide Distributors to help you and your pet on your journey to restored comfort and mobility. We are here to support you and your dog’s carpus injury.

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